Hello, Friends! Welcome to my first official blog post. It has been a long time coming. The roadblocks that have come to try to deter me from writing have been many, but today is the day I push my way through them. It is time!
Today is the 2 year anniversary of the day I was wheeled out of the hospital after the worst day of my life. It’s no coincidence that today is the day I get to push back the barriers to march forth into the calling God has for me…shining His light and giving Him glory.
Thanks for hopping on board and joining me in my journey of radical obedience to God, not knowing where I’m going, but taking God’s hand and rising out of my tomb to shine His light.
Sit back and enjoy some laughter, heartbreak, and encouragement as I move forward one step at a time in faith as a writer.
Out of the Tomb
Two years ago today I was in my tomb. My hope was dead. What was the point in living anymore? Why was I here if I couldn’t even function? How could God possibly use a girl who had a progressive chronic illness and now a probable stroke. It took every effort just to stand or even breathe more less be of any use to someone else. I felt more like a burden than a light. Sure, I was feeling sorry for myself. Plenty of people suffer and live full lives. I think I was just tired of the fight. I’m not one to give up, but that day I had given up. There was no more fight left in me. I wanted to die. I longed to be with Jesus. Though the voices were telling me to quit, that still small voice was telling me to hold on. Hold on to that last thread. God was leading me somewhere I didn’t yet know. He was creating a beautiful story…my story.
Just months later I was a living, walking, breathing miracle. At the point of my last strand of hope, Jesus picked me up and carried me out of my tomb into a new life. I was healed! My probable stroke and the surgeries that were ahead were no longer in sight. My nightmare vanished. My chronic illness was gone. The life I had known for 12 years was dead. I was walking into the new life God had for me that I never knew was His plan…my story. A new chapter, a twist no one saw coming. Miraculously healed. So many tears of gratefulness. So many questions. Why me? I guess the only question to ask is “What now, God?”
What do you want to do with me, God? What is next? This is next. Shine His light and hope to all. Miracles happen and I’m proof that God is near. In your hopelessness hold on. Take Jesus’s hand and let Him carry you out of your tomb. There’s work to do.
Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.